
Enable PowerShell WinRM Remoting in PowerShell 7

Enable PowerShell 7 WinRM remoting for efficient server management without relying on SSH. This post provides a straightforward method to incorporate PowerShell 7 into Windows environments, ensuring compatibility and simplifying remoting tasks with practical code snippets and configuration advice.

Marc-André Moreau published on
10 min, 1834 words

Decompiling Hyper-V Manager to rebuild it from source

This post guides through decompiling Hyper-V Manager to rebuild it from source, aiming to assess its value for potential open-sourcing. It explores manual and automated decompilation processes, including troubleshooting and enhancing the tool, advocating for community-led improvements to this widely-used but neglected software.

Marc-André Moreau published on
22 min, 4378 words